Magnus Göransson


Ph.D. plöntuerfðafræði og búvísindi
M.Sc. garðyrkjuvísindi


Ph.D. Plöntuerfðafræði og búvísindi, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU) og Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands (Lbhí) (sameiginleg doktorsgráða), 2023

M.Sc. Garðyrkjuvísindi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2011


2024– Plöntulíffræðingur, Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands
2020–2024 Sjálfstætt starfandi rannsóknaráðgjafi og verkefnisstjóri
2011–2020 Sérfræðingur, Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands
2009–2010 Sérfræðingur, Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen)
2008–2009 Aðstoðarmaður við rannsóknir, Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands

Göransson, M, and Thorbjörnsson, H. Crop wild relatives - Inventory in Vatnajökull national park 2021. Figshare. 

Fitzgerald, H., Palmé, A. Aronsson, M., Asdal, Å., Bjureke, K., Endresen, D., Göransson, M., Hyvärinen, M., Kiviharju, E., Lund, B., Borgen Nilsen, L., Rasmussen, M., Thorbjornsson, H., Weibull, J., Wind, P. (2018; v3 updated 2021): The Nordic Priority Crop Wild Relative Dataset. Figshare. Dataset. 

Palmé, A., Lund, B., Kiviharju, E., Fitzgerald, H., Thorbjörnsson, H., Hagenblad, J., Weibull, J., Bakkebø Fjellstad, K., Bjureke, K., Borgen Nilsen, L., Göransson, M., Häggblom, M., Hyvärinen, M., Aronsson, M., and Lyytikäinen, V. (2021) Recent progress on crop wild relative conservation in the Nordic region. Crop Wild Relatives 13: 11-15. 

Novakazi, F., Göransson, M., Stefánsson, T.S., Hokka, M., Jalli, M., Hallsson, J.H. (2021) Virulence of Icelandic Pyrenophora teres f. teres populations and resistance of Icelandic spring barley lines. Journal of Plant Pathology. 

Göransson, M., Sigurðardóttir, Þ.H., Lillemo, Bengtsson, T., M., Hallsson, J.H. (2021) The winter type allele of HvCEN is associated with earliness without severe yield penalty in Icelandic spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 

Hautosalo, J., Novakazi, F., Jalli, M., Göransson, M., Manninen, O., Isolahti, M., Reitan, L., Bergersen, St., Krusell, L., Damsgård, C., Due Jensen, J., Jahoor, A., Bengtsson, T., The PPP Barley Consortium. 2021. Pyramiding of scald resistance genes in four spring barley MAGIC populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 

Novakazi, F., Göransson, M., Stefánsson, T.S., Jalli, M., Hallsson, J.H. (2021) Virulence of Icelandic Rhynchosporium commune populations. Journal of Plant Pathology. 

Göransson, M., Hallsson, J.H., Bengtsson, T., Bjørnstad, Å., Lillemo, M. (2021) Specific Adaptation for Early Maturity and Height Stability in Icelandic Spring Barley. Crop Science. 

Göransson, M., Hallsson, J.H., Lillemo, M., Orabi, J., Backes, G., Jahoor, A., Hermannsson, J., Christerson, T., Tuvesson, S., Gertsson, B., Reitan, L., Alsheikh, M., Aikasalo, R., Isolahti, M., Veteläinen, M., Jalli, M., Krusell, L., Hjortshøj, R.L., Eriksen, B., Bengtsson, T. (2019) Identification of ideal allele combinations for the adaptation of spring barley to Northern latitudes. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:542. 
Hilmarsson, H.S., Göransson, M., Svavarsdóttir, J., Hallsson, J.H. (2019) Lokaskýrsla til Framleiðnisjóðs vegna átaksverkefnis í byggrækt á Íslandi árin 2013 -2018. Rit LbhÍ nr. 115. Icelandic University of Agricultural Sciences, Hvanneyri, Iceland. 

Thomsen, M.G., Wicklund, T., Andreassen R.L., Halland, H., Göransson, M., Martin, P., Rasmussen, M. 2018. Malting process and malt quality - Brewing from local grain. Report from Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme: Northern Cereals – New Markets for a Changing Environment. 

Hilmarsson, H.S., Göransson, M., Hallsson, J.H., Kristjánsdóttir, Þ.A., Hermannsson, J. (2017) Effect of Soil Type on Barley Yields in Icelandic Cultivar Trials. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 30: 73-76. https://doi: 10.16886/IAS.2017.08

Hilmarsson, H.S., Hytönen, T., Isobe, S., Göransson, M., Toivainen, T., Hallsson, J.H. (2017) Molecular analysis of a global collection of Fragaria vesca using microsatellite markers confirms previous classification of North-American subspecies and shows great divergence between American and Eurasian groups. PLOS ONE 12(8): 1-17. URL:

Hilmarsson, H.S., Göransson, M., Lillemo, M., Kristjánsdóttir, Þ.A., Hermannsson, J., Hallsson, J.H. (2017) An overview of barley breeding and variety trials in Iceland in 1987 – 2014. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 30: 13-28. URL: https://doi:10.16886/IAS.2017.02  

Veggspjöld og fyrirlestrar (frá 2019)    

Göransson, M. Can local biodiversity contribute to global food security? Oral presentation. Symposium arranged by Urban Biodiversity Iceland at Reykjavik Botanic Garden, Iceland. 25 November 2023.

Göransson, M., Thorbjörnsson, H., Fitzgerald, H., Hyvärinen, M., Weibull, J., Aronsson, M., Bjureke, K., Pedersen, O., Lund, B., Hagenblad, J., Borgen Nilsen, L., Bakkebø Fjellstad, K., Kiviharju, E., and Palmé, A. Crop wild relatives in the Nordic countries – conservation and sustainable use. Oral presentation. 7th Global Botanic Garden Congress, Melbourne, Australia. 25 – 29 September 2022.

Thorbjörnsson, H., and Göransson, M. Crop wild relative biodiversity in urban green and coastal areas in Reykjavik, Iceland. Oral presentation. 7th Global Botanic Garden Congress, Melbourne, Australia. 25 – 29 September 2022.
Göransson, M., Hallsson, J.H., Bengtsson, T., Lillemo, M. What is unique about Icelandic barley? Oral presentation. 13th International Barley Genetics Symposium, Riga, Latvia. 3 – 7 July 2022.

Göransson, M. Guided walk on crop wild relatives in Reykjavik Botanic Garden, Iceland. 18 May 2022.

Göransson, M. Guided walk on crop wild relatives in Reykjavik Botanic Garden, Iceland. 16 September 2021.

Göransson, M., Hallsson, J.H., Lillemo, M., Orabi, J., Backes, G., Jahoor, A., Hermannsson, J., Christerson, T., Tuvesson, S., Gertsson, B., Reitan, L., Alsheikh, M., Aikasalo, R., Isolahti, M., Veteläinen, M., Jalli, M., Krusell, L., Hjortshøj, R.L., Eriksen, B., Bengtsson, T. Poster. Northward expansion of barley: GWAS of Nordic spring barley reveals diversity for developmental traits. Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) XXVII Conference, San Diego, USA, 12 – 16 January 2019.

Hilmarsson, H.S., Hytönen, T., Isobe, S., Göransson, M., Toivainen T., Hallsson, J.H. Poster. Population genetic analysis of a global collection of Fragaria vesca using microsatellite markers. Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) XXVII Conference, San Diego, USA, 12 – 16 January 2019.

Göransson, M. Oral presentation. Kynning á PPP verkefnum LbhÍ, korn og vallarrýgresi. Ráðunautafundur 2019. 6. -7. June 2019, Hvanneyri, Iceland.

Thomsen, M.G., Wicklund, T., Andreassen, R.L., Martin, P., Halland, H., Göransson, M., Rasmussen, M., Reykdal, Ó. Poster. Malting and brewing from local grain grown in the Northern region. 10th Circumpolar Agriculture Conference: New thinking about local agriculture in the circumpolar Arctic – Best practices, innovations, and perspectives. 13 - 15 March 2019, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland,  Rovaniemi, Finland.