Áhrif loftslagsbreytinga á heimskautagróðurfar

10 x 10 m permanently-marked grid set up in 2005 to characterize arctic vegetation at Isachsen, Ellef Ringnes Island, Nunavut, Canada. Photo M.K. Raynolds.

Martha Raynolds, gróður- og fjarkönnunarfræðingur við Háskólann í Alaska, Fairbanks, flytur erindi sitt Searching for the effects of climate change on tundra vegetation. Erindið verður flutt á ensku.

Útdráttur erindis á ensku:

It is well-known that northern latitudes are warming faster than the Earth as a whole. This warming has been documented for several decades, but the effect on arctic vegetation has been difficult to document. Experimental results give us some indication of what types of changes to look for. However in natural conditions the complex interactions between the soils, permafrost, vegetation and atmosphere, as well as natural variability, make these changes hard to measure. Satellite remote sensing, repeat photography, tree-ring studies and permanent vegetation plots provide information on the varied response of vegetation to climate change in different parts of the Arctic.